Worthwhile Cause: Community Supported Agriculture

Nearly every Wednesday The Queen and I go to Solomon Farm on Dupont Road for the weekly Farmer’s Market.  There is always a great selection of fruit, vegetables and other goods, including honey, desserts, and educational information.  Also, there are always plenty of folks who want to pet and love on The Queen, which she loves.  So, it is a win-win.

One group that is faithfully present every week is Graber Farms.  Graber Farms is Amish owned and operated.  The operation does not use electricity or modern conveniences.  A non-Amish volunteer has started a website for them that she maintains.  She also comes out weekly to sell and promote the organization.  Graber Farms is a certified organic farm that supplies produce to local markets, restaurants, and companies in Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.  Graber also has a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) operation that provides weekly deliveries to subscribing citizens – 20 pounds of organic produce – from May 30 to October 15.  You can purchase in 10 or 20 week shares in small, medium or large sizes.  Graber also has U-Pick events and the option to purchase farm shares.

Graber produce is the freshest you can get, it is organic, and it is local.  There is no better way to support the local economy than to support such an organization.

CSAs exist throughout the Midwest and beyond.  Another favorite farm of mine is the Hawkins Family Farm in North Manchester, Indiana.  The Hawkins Family Farm also offers a CSA that includes beef, chicken, turkey, and pork as well as fresh produce and more (there will be a future post on their fabulous Between Heaven and Earth Dinner).

There are certainly CSAs and local farms everywhere, find one near you and support it.  It will make you feel good and food is pretty!

4 thoughts on “Worthwhile Cause: Community Supported Agriculture

  1. The first picture of all the vegetables is beautiful! And of course I like the substance of your post too, not just the pretty pictures. 😉

  2. These photographs are stunning! Of course, the red peppers and crisp dew-touched lettuces give great material to a good photographer . I have huge respect for the ways you celebrate the world around you. You really bloom where you are planted. That may be a cliche, but it’s also a difficult challenge, and you have nailed it!! We can all learn from your example.

    • Jo – Thank you so much for your kind words. I am having the time of my life! Change is challenging but I have learned that there are awesome things to celebrate both where I came from and where I am now. I am looking forward to experiencing as much as possible of it all. Thanks for the note. SG

  3. Pingback: Morning Rant: Agritourism | It is pretty.

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